How bad does it hurt to get shot by bbs?

Generally, it doesn't hurt bad at all. Getting shot from far away will sting for a couple seconds. It also depends on where you got shot, and how far away it was. If you're really curious about how it feels, snap a rubber band 3-4 inches off your wrist. It's a pretty accurate comparison.

Is airsoft safe?

Yes! Even safer than many other sports! In airsoft, the only real way to get hurt is by taking off your eye protection. Eye-pro is always required in games. We take this rule very seriously. Other than that, trips and falls can happen, so do play at your own risk. We advise everyone to stay sharp and be careful!

What's the age requirement?

Whenever you're ready! We welcome all ages to play at their own risk, at parent/guardian discretion. This is a welcoming environment for all ages! 12 and under require adult supervision. If you're under 18, you'll also need a parent/guardian to sign on your waiver.

Frequently asked questions.

What clothes should I wear?

Up to you! Bring sunscreen & Bugspray. We do recommend wearing darker green colors. Thicker clothes will make BBs sting less, but will obviously heat you up more. Find a balance that works for you!

Is this an easy sport?

Sure! Playing airsoft is really fun for everyone; noobs and veterans both have a really great time. It can be scary when you're new but don't worry, we've got the nicest & most helpful people ever at our field. Remember, it's just a game and everyone is welcome!

  1. Keep your eye-protection on at all times.
    This is the #1 rule. If your eye-pro comes off, cover your eyes and yell "BLIND MAN!". This will pause the game until you're safe.
    Also, keep in mind that if you choose to wear glasses instead of goggles, we are not responsible for any extremely unlikely injury to your eyes that could result in not wearing the full seal goggles.

  2. Call your hits.
    If you feel yourself get shot, yell "HIT!" and raise your hand/deadrag in the air. If you're not sure, call it anyway! Sometimes you won't even feel it.

  3. Barrel covers & Deadrags
    In order to ensure the safety of all our players, we require that barrel covers stay ON while in the lobby, and that players use Deadrags during the games.

  4. Leave the Wildlife Alone.
    Our field has cute deer, turtles, squirrels, snakes and beavers that may be encountered. Do not interact with them please!

  5. Keep the field clean.
    Throw away your trash in proper areas and do not disturb the land. Leave no trace.

  6. Don't be a jerk.
    Bending the rules and generally causing problems is not allowed! DO NOT ARGUE! DO NOT SWEAR AT PEOPLE! These will get you booted. Ref ruling & discretion is final.

  7. Sign your waiver
    Make sure to have your waiver signed Here.

  8. Disallowed items.
    We only allow the use of AIRSOFT equipment and gear at our field. ABSOLUTELY NONE of the following items are allowed at our field. We want to make sure players are safe at all times, and are free of dangerous confusion. We will strictly enforce these rules.

  • Firearms & Ammo - If you are legally permitted to carry a firearm, leave it in your car.
    Bring it out, and you'll be kicked out.

  • Air Guns - They are different, and more powerful than Airsoft guns.
    Make sure any guns you get are Airsoft, NOT Air Guns.

  • Non 6mm Plastic BBs - Other BBs such as steel or BBs larger than 6mm are strictly prohibited.

  • Dangerous Mele Weapons - Metal weapons even with dulled blades are strictly prohibited.
    Foam or flexible Rubber is OK.

  • Pyrotechnics - Any type of grenades or objects with the ability to start a fire. Includes fireworks, firecrackers, or fused grenades.

General rules

  1. No shooting through unmarked cracks.
    Throughout the field are palletized structures used for cover. These structures have cracks in them, but you are not allowed to shoot through those cracks, and any shots you receive do not count. Look for red-painted openings in buildings, those are the ones you can shoot through!

  2. Obviously, no going out of bounds.
    We'll highlight these boundaries before games start.

  3. Dead men don't talk.
    If you get shot, and you're "dead", you're not allowed to share any info with your teammates!
    You're dead bro. You can't talk.

  4. No blind firing.
    You aren't allowed to stick your gun out from behind cover and start shooting, hoping to hit someone.
    Be fair and fun. This ain't real war.

Gameplay rules

Engagement distances

& Gun Power

Chronos done with .32g bbs. All guns have a maximum fire rate of 30rps. If you have a stock gun, you most likely won't need to worry about any of these numbers.

We will tag your gun with a green, blue, white, yellow or brown tag depending on what type of gun it is. We ask that you leave it on your gun to make it faster for next time.

Follow the Bang-Bang Rule. Overshooting intentionally/for no reason is strictly forbidden.


  • 1.2 joules max

  • semi auto - no minimum engagement

  • full auto - no minimum engagement


  • Guns above 25RPS

  • 30RPS Maximum

  • 1.50 joules max

  • semi - 20ft minimum engagement (if applicable)

  • full - 50ft minimum engagement

Rifles & SMG:

  • 1.55 joules max

  • semi - 10ft minimum engagement

  • full - 40ft minimum engagement


  • 1.9 joules max

  • semi auto only

  • 75ft minimum engagement


  • 2.81 joules max

  • bolt action only

  • 125ft minimum engagement